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Mend your knits

Mend your knits

Mend your knits

Mend your knits

We make garments that last, although a stitch can break for various reasons, we can still fix it to make sure you keep wearing your knits for years. We have prepared a little tutorial so that every...

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Sew on a button

Sew on a button

It has happened to everyone: a loose button, one that falls, one that breaks. This is why we always send a spare button along with our pieces. But what to do with a spare if you have never sewn a b...

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Homemade laundry detergent

Homemade laundry detergent

Our pieces need to be well taken care of to last for years and years. Laundry is the first thing to be careful about. Making your own laundry detergent is good for your wallet: very few ingredien...

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